California, other states honor Harvey Milk
Texas board adopts new social studies curriculum
Texas board adopts new primary school curriculum
Texas board adopts new high school curriculum
More News
- California, other states prepare to observe first Harvey Milk Day to honor gay rights icon
- Michigan public schools expected to escape cuts in 2010-11 as tax revenue increases
- Texas board to make finishing touches on social studies guidelines, set to vote Friday
- Texas adds Obama to social studies guidelines otherwise dominated by conservatives’ changes
- Texas school board adds Obama to high school history class, defeats attempt to add ‘Hussein’
- State board finalizing social studies guidelines for Texas schools; heated debate expected
- Mass. Cardinal responds to controversy over child of lesbians, says schools welcome all
- Witnesses show up in record numbers to slam Texas board over social studies curriculum plan
- US, Mexican first ladies join students for gym, lunch at award-winning Md. elementary school
- Girls basketball team drawn into immigration debate after district says no to Ariz. tournament
- Even tweens want to be Gleeks, causing dilemma for parents: To ‘Glee’ or not to ‘Glee’?
- Federal judge dismisses lawsuit filed by Nampa charter school over religious texts
- California pension fund, facing large losses, tells struggling state it needs an extra $600M
- Minn. legislature approves budget compromise to erase $3 billion state deficit, adjourns
- SAT prep co. changes claims, raising question: can kids boost scores A, a lot, or B, not much?
- Teachers fired from struggling RI high school approve agreement that restores their jobs
- Union, RI school district that fired all teachers reaches deal to return staffers to jobs
- Union, RI school district that fired all teachers reach deal to return staffers to jobs
- States’ budget crisis hitting agencies and programs that serve the most vulnerable: Children
- Judge permanently bans suburban Philly school district from webcam spying on students
- Correction: Catholic School-Gay Parents story
- Wis. researcher inspired by the Dalai Lama makes strides understanding compassion, happiness
- Family sues Houston teacher in beating of 13-year-old student captured on cell phone video
- Rachael Ray, NYC mayor join forces to ‘empower kids to cook’ and grow their own food
- Boston archdiocese offers to help find new Catholic school for lesbians’ son who was rejected
- Report: 1 in 10 Hispanic high school dropouts earn a GED, less than black or white students
- Hawaii ends shortened school year with no deal to restore class time next year
- Senate panel takes up Iraq, Afghan war funding measure as Democrats courts GOP support
- Lettuce recall expands to Tennessee, 23 sickened by E. coli poisoning
- Kansas cuts against red-state image, GOP rhetoric by raising sales tax to plug budget gap
- Md. gets 1st US law barring schools from giving student test results to military recruiters
- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signs bill targeting school district’s ethnic studies program
- Arizona governor signs bill targeting school district’s ethnic studies program
- Feds’ $4.35 billion carrot not enough for some states to allow, expand charter schools
- Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer signs bill targeting school district’s ethnic studies program
- High remedial education rate called a roadblock to increasing number of college grads
- Lettuce recall expands as FDA investigates Arizona farm as source of E. coli outbreak
- Kan. Senate approves $13.6B budget protecting schools, sends it to governor; tax vote awaits
- Foundations help secure $93M in bonds for Aspire charter school network expansion in Calif.
- Morgan Hill high school students sent home over choice of clothing on Cinco de Mayo
- Field trip by African-American students in Mich. to meet scientist meant to inspire, draws ire
- ACLU sues to stop Conn. school district from holding high school graduations at megachurch
- Ariz. lawmakers target Tucson program that emphasizes ethnic literature and history
- Smarter than a 5th-grader? Wis. kids’ simulated stock portfolio gains 60 percent in 10 weeks
- Pa. 5th-grader stuck ‘death list’ of 12 names inside school library book; police investigating
- RI teachers union sues school district over firing of all high school teachers
- Bill would put new ND public employees into 401(k) plans; pensions no longer an option
- Some NJ high school students ditch class to protest budget cuts; event organized on Facebook
- Anti-tea party Oregon teacher back in classroom after more than week on paid leave
- Chinese government classroom grant divides S. Calif. community suspicious of motivation
- Wis. Legislature agree to regulate payday lenders, take steps to turn around troubled schools
- Take-your-kid-to-work day appears to lose steam; schools urge parents to keep kids in class
- Missouri tax revenues coming in worse than expected; budget director says more cuts needed
- Educators urge parents to take their kids to school, not to work, and sidestep annual event
- Mo. education officials back Gov. Nixon’s plan to curtail tax credits; House leaders oppose it
- Lesbian student in Miss. who sued over ban on same-sex prom dates seeks damages in new lawsuit
- Officials find nothing suspicious after Colo. high school cancels classes over online threat
- NJ voters reject nearly 60 percent of school budgets; most defeats in at least 34 years
- Canadian teachers whose mock lap dance was captured on video now out of work
- Pa. school district admits taking 56,000 secret webcam photos, screen shots of student laptops
- Governor or maniacal dictator? Insults overshadow issues as NJ considers school cuts
- Family claims district captured thousands of images in laptop spying scandal at Pa. school
- Mo. Senate reverses stance on $37M Career Ladder incentives, $14.8M cut to college budgets
- Claims of required 3rd-grade cross-dressing scuttle women’s history project at NJ school
- As Obama seeks to boost number of US college graduates, 1 man helps show the way
- Mo. Senate panel cuts more than $500M from proposed budget; eliminates extra pay for teachers
- Hundreds could be denied mental health services under cut by Mo. Senate committee
- Report: English language learners making gains on state tests as population expands
- Lesbian student says only 7 showed up for her prom, most classmates went to ’secret’ dance
- New research: urban tutoring program benefits elderly volunteers as well their students
- Mrs. Obama joins local elementary school students in replanting White House garden
- Philadelphia charter school will close nightclub that operated in cafeteria during off-hours
- NYC program that pays the poor for good habits has no effect on school, job retention
- Attorney: Lesbian who sued over same-sex prom date ban can bring girlfriend to private dance
- Program that pays the poor for good habits makes some strides, but has no effect on school
- Philadelphia charter school questioned over sharing space with a nightclub
- Philadelphia charter school questioned on shared space with nightclub, spending practices
- Education Department: Delaware, Tenn. get $600M in 1st round of ‘Race to the Top’ grants
- Source: Education Department picks Delaware, Tenn. for 1st round of ‘Race to the Top’ grants
- Los Angeles school district, teachers union agree to shorten school year by 5 days
- Struggling Savannah, Ga., school firing entire staff to avoid more sanctions, get federal cash
- Obama ed secretary, former Chicago schools CEO Duncan facing questions about admissions calls
- Reading scores hold steady on nationwide test; report offers snapshot of changing US classroom
- Parents oppose webcam spying lawsuit against suburban Philadelphia school district
- Detroit district to close more than a quarter of its schools in June amid falling enrollment
- New plan calls for 45 more Detroit schools to close as district confronts enrollment losses
- Possible state aid cuts to Michigan universities have students worried about tuition hikes
- Firing of all teachers from low-performing RI school deplored by many students and parents
- Obama’s overhaul of education law to focus on getting students ready for college
- Obama promises better prepared teachers, improved schools so kids can achieve full potential
- Obama to outline overhaul of federal education law, prepares to link tax dollars with progress
- Kansas City district says school closing plan will be in place by fall, but offer few details
- Lesbian teen sues to force Miss. district to hold prom; returns to school to face classmates
- Lesbian teen sues Miss. school district to reinstate prom and bring girlfriend as date
- Lesbian teen faces classmates after Miss. district halts prom over request to bring girlfriend