Group: Calif. judge orders university to release documents related to Palin appearance

Sarah Palin

Calif state university agrees to allow media access to fundraising appearance by Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin
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Calif. teacher pension fund delays decision about whether to drop its expected rate of return

Calif. teacher pension fund delays rate decision

California pension fund, facing large losses, tells struggling state it needs an extra $600M

Calif pension fund asks state for additional $600M

Citing safety, Calif lawmakers seek temporary ban on use of metal baseball bats in high school

Calif. lawmakers seek temporary ban on metal bats

Calif. nonprofit files lawsuit against university seeking documents related to Palin contract

Calif. nonprofit sues to obtain Palin contract

California university president says Palin speech contract was stolen from office of official

Sarah Palin
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Palin contract dispute raises questions about accountability of Calif. university foundations

Sarah Palin

Discarded Palin contract sparks investigation of Calif. university foundation

Sarah Palin

Calif. attorney general to investigate tactics of foundation that hired Palin to speak

Sarah Palin
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Calif. university students find portion of Palin speech contract in campus Dumpster

Sarah Palin
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Calif. lawmaker says university’s silence about Palin fundraising speech violates state law

Calif. lawmaker: Silence on Palin visit unlawful

Calif. climate law, Schwarzenegger legacy under assault as groups claim it threatens economy

Calif. climate law under assault in poor economy

Community colleges bask in new-found attention but hurt for money as pressures build