Military Recruitment
FORT JACKSON, S.C. - The Army is ending a program that helped nearly 3,000 high school dropouts earn high school equivalency certificates and become soldiers.

WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who has displayed a cool demeanor and a sense of humor during her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, was expected to move one step closer Wednesday to succeeding Justice John Paul Stevens, barring a major gaffe.

WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan clashed Tuesday with a Republican senator over the limits she ordered on military recruiters while dean of Harvard Law School, repeatedly denying she blocked them as she sought to deflect foes' efforts to slow her apparently smooth road to confirmation.

WASHINGTON - Challenged bluntly by Republicans, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said Tuesday the Pentagon's recruiters had access to Harvard Law School students "every single day I was dean" and rejected claims she maneuvered to thwart them.

WASHINGTON - Under attack, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said Tuesday the Pentagon's recruiters had access to Harvard Law School students "every single day I was dean" and rejected Republican claims she maneuvered to thwart them.
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- Kagan vows to be unbiased, deferential to Congress
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- Kagan to break silence as marathon vetting begins
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- GOP says general won't testify against Kagan
- GOP to spotlight military controversy on Kagan
- White House praises Kagan as GOP criticism mounts
- GOP, conservatives reveal arguments against Kagan
- Kagan unscathed after revelations from past
- Flashy Army recruitment center in Pa. mall closing
- GOP senator asks Pentagon for Kagan files
- APNewsBreak: Army changes enlistment procedure
- FACT CHECK: Kagan is no ivory-tower peacenik
- Conservative friends rise in support of Kagan
- Md. 1st to bar schools releasing tests to military
- Kagan's role against military recruitment studied
- AP source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court
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