
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is pushing to speed up insurance coverage for young adults in their twenties - a key early benefit of his prized health care overhaul - but the law's fine print suggests some won't be able to sign up until next year.
Official: Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note
AUSTIN, Texas - A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees on Thursday, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.
Official: Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note
AUSTIN, Texas - A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees on Thursday, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.
Official: Plane crash pilot left anti-IRS Web note
AUSTIN, Texas - A software engineer furious with the Internal Revenue Service plowed his small plane into an office building housing nearly 200 federal tax employees on Thursday, officials said, setting off a raging fire that sent workers fleeing as thick plumes of black smoke poured into the air.