
Obama, senators to talk over Supreme Court vacancy
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has invited Senate leaders of both parties to the White House next week to discuss the upcoming opening on the Supreme Court.
Groups look for tea party support on nomination
WASHINGTON - Conservative groups preparing to fight President Barack Obama over his next Supreme Court nomination are trying to recruit tea party activists to their cause, hoping their enthusiasm will help them beat back any nominee that could be too liberal for their taste.
Source: Judge Sidney Thomas on Supreme Court list
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's candidates for the Supreme Court include a new name, federal appeals court Judge Sidney Thomas of Montana, and at least six others who were contenders when Obama chose his first high court nominee last year, The Associated Press has learned.

BILLINGS, Mont. - The superintendent of a rural Montana school district says he was showing students his black powder muzzleloader when he accidentally fired the weapon into a classroom wall during a history lesson.
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